This Week's Adventure

Cracker… biscuit… cookie… things

Last week, I made some interesting little wafers which were tasty, but didn’t turn out quite like they were supposed to. I thought KAF’s rich crackers would taste kind of like Ritz crackers. I can happily eat an entire sleeve of those in one sitting–it’s the crispy butter effect–so I was very much looking forward… Continue reading Cracker… biscuit… cookie… things

This Week's Adventure

Cheddar rose-meh-ry bread

Last week, I made the first recipe in the Baker’s Companion that I didn’t particularly like. It wasn’t bad; it just didn’t tickle my fancy. Most everything else I’ve made so far, even things that didn’t turn out quite right, I would happily make and eat again. This? I might have to make some changes… Continue reading Cheddar rose-meh-ry bread